Commercial Photography: Shooting LinkedIn Headquarters In Omaha

Author: apadmin


LinkedIn recently remodeled part of their headquarters in Omaha. It was an honor and a thrill for me to work with the LinkedIn team as well as those at MCL Construction, AP+I Design and Holland Basham Architects to shoot the first commercial photography in these new spaces. As you see the unique and creative office space, you won’t be surprised that LinkedIn was also just named The Best Place to Work in Omaha (it’s been on the list for years).

LinkedIn Omaha Office Photography
The architects and designers obviously did amazing work to create these distinctive spaces and it’s my job to maintain the interest while translating their creativity into the two-dimensional realm. However, it’s also always my goal to stay true to these designers original ideas and concepts.

There is some beautiful natural light that streams into these offices and I spent a great deal of time viewing the space throughout the day to capture the ambiance of that lighting. That’s not to imply that there is no professional lighting involved. I go to great lengths to incorporate lighting that will highlight the features without creating an artificially bright space or losing the natural shadows.

LinkedIn Omaha Commercial Photography

I situated myself in this tight corner to capture the full length of the room and the very open flow of these spaces. A slightly lower angle helps the viewer to feel as though they are part of the image.LinkedIn Omaha Interior Photography

Shooting offices can often be dull, but obviously in the LinkedIn offices that isn’t the case. I still enjoy incorporating some of my signature techniques to best showcase the space. Taking this shot from an angle helps to convey the scale of this room. While there are some traditional areas, most of the workspaces are open and conducive to free thought and conversation.LinkedIn Omaha Office Photography

And, there are some truly creative areas. This grass maze wall is the entrance to another conversation area – a full interactive library featuring a maze-like bookshelf on the left. Providing the client with an array of images gives them more options when they want to highlight the features of their space in their marketing and human resources materials.

LinkedIn Omaha Interior Photography

LinkedIn Omaha Architectural Photography

LinkedIn Omaha Interior Photography
But if team members do want a little more privacy without using a traditional conference room, the LinkedIn office provides these conversation pods.LinkedIn Omaha Architectural Photography

LinkedIn Omaha Unique Office Space

This shot demonstrates the mix of spaces and colors in the offices; from a more traditional conference room to open dining spaces with art and regional themed murals on almost every wall.

LinkedIn Omaha Interior Photography
Having the opportunity to showcase the offices of LinkedIn as well as AP+I Design, and work again with MCL Construction and Holland Basham was certainly a pleasure. I take tremendous pride in providing my clients with a distinctive commercial photography portfolio. If you are interested in new images for your business or property please contact us at 888-788-5554 or visit our website at

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