Author: apadmin
I recently had an amazing experience photographing The Tokyo Hilton. This property offered spectacular opportunities to showcase my passion for light and detail in architectural photography. As a hotel photographer, I want to highlight the beauty of the structure as well as the detail of design and decor and, most importantly, create a visual warmth that encourages travelers to imagine themselves as already at the hotel…in the space.
I almost don’t know what to say about this beautifully conceptualized and constructed space. Over 100 different materials were sourced and implemented in its construction and design. This staircase is polished copper and marble. Just plain opulent. The reflections of light and images throughout this shot create intense and focussed contrast, interest and even intrigue.
In this darker space, I balanced the striking, linear light on the left with the soft, golden light on the right. The shadow right down the middle leads the viewer’s eye into the space.
Yet, even within this open concept structure, with high ceilings and grand spaces, I have to capture the feeling of a personal experience. I used a lower angle shot to put the viewer “in” the space. A traveler can image having their morning coffee here.
In this more traditional Japanese dining room, an off-center shot softens the straight angles, while the lighting highlights the unique texture and colors of the blue wall. In such high-end projects it is imperative that I work with existing light. Much time, effort and decades of experience went into finishing this space and as a photographer I must appreciate and honor that effort. It is imperative that I preserve and accurately convey the carefully implemented creativity of these professionals.
This is the Queen Suite with a stunning view. However, this type of photography is a bit tricky. Reflections in the window have to be maintained for realism, but must be mitigated. A clear view of the exterior is imperative. This is where my 25 years experience with Photoshop helps to provide the stunning images worthy of this property.
Hotel photography is incredibly important to help travelers imagine their visit and encourage them to book at this property. These shots are just a sneak peek at the portfolio I am creating. I pride myself in providing a range of distinctive images that create mood and highlight the features of the property. If you are interested in a new portfolio for your hotel or other structure, contact me at Architectural Photography, Inc. at 888-688-5510.
Tags: hotel photographer
Categories: Buildings Interior Photography Commercial Buildings Commercial Photography Hotel Photography Resort Photography Architectural Photography